Happy 1st Blogoversary Un Peu De Kil Shi!



Well it’s been a year since I started this blog and it has come a long way thanks to all he readers and friends who have helped contribute in one way or the other.

This blog represents what I love, and there’s nothing better than to share it with everyone out there. During this “Blog” year I have made friends from many countries with various interests, I gained a lot, and hopefully helped pass along and share information as well. The blog has actually changed my life in so many ways and I am very grateful.

I will be adding categories and more personalized posts soon, just keep checking, and as usual I appreciate your feedback and interaction more than anything.

Make yourself at home, at Un Peu De Kil Shi!


I won’t take any longer, just a big thank you , and hopefully next year I’ll get an actual cake instead of a doughnut!


2 Replies to “Happy 1st Blogoversary Un Peu De Kil Shi!”

  1. Imagine if you haven’t started! I mention it because I vividly remember the days around when you started your blog and it doesn’t seem like a year!!! All the best and take it easy because I have to catch-up 🙂

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