Design & Lifestyle Blog

1 Sep ’14

Delos Uses Technology to Build Healthier Homes | Wellness


“Delos … redesigns spaces to solve health problems before they’re created.” William Jefferson Clinton 42nd President of the United States

Founded in 2007, Delos is the pioneer of Wellness Real Estate,™ which incorporates technologies that help sustain and enhance residents’ health and well-being. Having invested over 5 years in research and development of health amenities and features with the foremost medical and scientific institutions in the world, Delos unveiled its long-awaited prototype—the Wellness Loft—in September 2010 to an unprecedented reception. No matter what type of real estate needs you have, finding the right real estate professional you want to work with is the first step, make sure to visit if you want professional real estate services.


25 Sep ’10

McDonald’s, Burger King, & Chili’s: Going green?

Filed under: Architecture,Environment,LEED — Sahar @ 11:41 pm



McDonald’s is undergoing a process of redesign. What is more important than design itself is its study for exploring more sustainability in certain locations.The chain’s first self-proclaimed “green” restaurant, located in Chicago, is LEED Gold-certified, while a North Carolina location features Charge-Point electric vehicle charging stations. And in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, 270 McDonald’s restaurants deliver used oil to be converted into biodiesel.The packaging however still has a long way to go. Most McDonald’s packaging is paper-based and can be composted,yet still haven’t found biodegradable materials that don’t retain heat.McDonald’s can never truly claim to be green as long as it sells meat products–the average Holstein cow produces up to 180 kilos of methane each year. Ultimately, cows produce 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions, and the meat industry is one of the leading contributors to climate change.


The new ‘design’ concept is revolving around the idea of a community center, a place for young people to hang out especially since slow food is the trend now with more attention on the eating experience itself as opposed to gulfing food down. France was the first country to have a redesigned McDonald’s. All the plastic will be replaced with clean and modern lines, wood, brick and softer lighting from modern lamps. The signature mansard roof is being replaced by a flat roof topped and a newly designed golden sloping curve. The emblematic red and yellow colors will be revamped to terra cotta, olive and sage green.All this with the aim of attracting more adults and young professionals to their customers.


23 Aug ’10

Ground Zero Mosque to be the First LEED certified Mosque in the U.S.

Filed under: Architecture,Environment,LEED — Tags: , , , , — Sahar @ 11:19 pm


The “Ground Zero Mosque” and community center has been one of the hottest topics lately to the extent of taking over the devastating news of the floods in Pakistan. This is a clear indication of the rise of hate and fear that has conquered over many Americans in particular after the propaganda against Islamists in the past few years. Putting this topic out of political context , the latest news is that the project developers are planning to go green and achieve LEED certification. This is remarkable news in many ways. For those not familiar with the term LEED, it is "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design", according to Wikipedia it is " an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies intended to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts."

A report on the by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin author of Green Deen: What Islam Teaches About Protecting the Planet, indicates that the developers of Park51 , the Islamic cultural and community center, are serious about going green and achieving the LEED certification. An architectural bureau has not been assigned for the mission yet, but if they abide by what they promise, this will be the first LEED certified mosque in the U.S.


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