This luxurious and breathtaking property can’t be described other than a ‘DREAM HOME’. The location, the vast area, and the beautiful design make it a $36,000,000 property. A well-designed residence taking into consideration every possible detail, this is a magnificent place to check out. Most of the furniture used inside are from B&B Italia and Minotti, Suspended lighting is mainly by Moooi & Bocci, most bathroom fixtures are by Antonio Lupi I think. 1201 Laurel Way is located in Beverly Hills and developed by Richard Papalian and designed by Michael Palumbo in collaboration with architect Marc Whipple. This property has 6 bedrooms and around 10 bathrooms.
.This is really different as well as time able article. I am too much happy to visit this post. I think thousands of the human being will like this post and will take a lot of useful data from here. it's really residential design.
Very magnificent! I'm sure all of us wants to experience living in that kind of property. You can also visit for more options on luxury property.
Really like your blog always a very good inspiration, hope you keep doing this for a long time to come, thank you very much. Hope you like my blog as well.
Super blog! lots of inspiration in these pictures. Art really makes the place look cool and modern. Jennifer Anistons house was also beautiful inside, she imported her art from a Belgium designer (, heard Mark Wahlberg also did the same. to help sell his house. With some paintings costing $5,000+ luck for some i guess!
Breathtaking property to say the least. But I guess that is what you get for $36,000,000. Such a clean and bright property throughout. Gloss floors definitely are a factor to the eye catching sparkle!